Today more mothers are choosing to
breastfeed their babies because breast milk is the perfect food for babies. It
is easy to digest and gives the baby protection from many allergies and
infectious diseases. But there's a lot to learn before proceeding with the
breast feeding process. Here are some more common questions and
concerns in regards to breast feeding.
Inverted Nipples
Before your baby is born, check your breasts for flat or
inverted nipples. Place your thumb and forefinger around your areola in a
"C" shape, about an inch from the base of your nipple, and gently
press thumb and forefinger together. Your nipple should project outward. If
your nipple pulls back into the breast or stays flat, seek advice from your
doctor, certified lactation consultant, or La Leche League leader.
Wearing plastic breast shells during the last months of
pregnancy may help your nipples project outward. However, some authorities
suggest that a baby who is attached to the breast correctly will breastfeed effectively regardless of the size or shape
of mother's nipples. Either way, it will be helpful for you to understand
proper positioning and talk to a breastfeeding counselor or healthcare provider
about this issue before your baby is born.
An uncomfortable fullness in the breasts that may cause your
breasts to feel hard, hot, and painful may occur because baby is not removing
enough milk. To eliminate this engorgement, breastfeed your baby more
frequently or use a breast pump. Pumping to comfort or pumping only a few
minutes, just long enough to make your breasts comfortable, will not produce an
oversupply of milk. Applying cold compresses between feedings and/or warm
compresses and circular massaging just before and during feedings may also be
Sore Nipples
Sore nipples are a common complaint at first. This may be a new
experience for you, and it may indicate that your baby is not positioned
properly at the breast If the pain subsides in a minute and you are
comfortable for the rest of the breastfeeding session, there's nothing to worry
about. If not, call a lactation consultant
Causes of sore nipples include:
- Baby's
latching on too close to the nipple, not taking enough areolar tissue.
- Baby's
lower lip is tucked in instead of flanged out.
- Baby
slurps the nipple into his mouth instead of opening wide to accept
the breast.
- Baby's
gums rub against the nipple when coming off the breast.
- Baby
puts stress on the tissues and causes soreness by trying to draw out
inverted or flat nipples during the early days/weeks of
breastfeeding.Moisture remains on an inverted nipple for a prolonged
- Improve
baby's latch on.
- Ask
for help from a lactation professional.
- Allow
baby to finish the first breast before offering the second.
- If
nipples are sore, express a little breast milk and apply it gently to the
nipples after breastfeeding
- Try
a different breastfeeding hold position
Plugged Ducts
Too much milk remaining in the breast may cause a plugged duct.
This can happen for a variety of reasons and may result in a sore spot on your
breast that is red and slightly warm to the touch.
Treatment measures for a plugged duct include:
- Wearing
loose clothing and a bra that doesn't bind.
- Getting
plenty of rest.
- Nursing
as often as baby will cooperate and/or pumping between feedings.
- Nursing
baby 8-12 times every 24 hours.
- Applying
moist or dry heat to the sore spot before nursing.
- Starting
every nursing session on the breast with the sore spot.
- Positioning
baby so his chin lines up with the sore spot.
- Massaging
the sore spot during breastfeeding.
Breast Infection
If you develop other symptoms, such as a fever, chills,
achiness, or soreness in the breast that is generalized instead of in one spot,
you may have a breast infection, also known as mastitis. Contact a certified
lactation consultant, an La Leche League leader, or healthcare provider for
advice. Some breast infections will go away with the same treatment as you
would use for a plugged duct.
If your symptoms persist, or if you have a high fever, you may
need an antibiotic prescribed by your healthcare provider. Most antibiotics are
safe to take while breastfeeding, but discuss this issue with your healthcare
provider to be certain.
Is Baby Getting Enough Milk?
Weight gain is the most accurate way to tell if your baby is
getting enough milk, so weigh your baby. A normal weight gain is approximately
four to eight ounces per week. As your baby becomes a little older, the
increase in weight will become more obvious. If you're concerned about your
baby, talk to your healthcare provider or a breastfeeding counselor.
Also, keep track of your baby's diaper changes since what goes
in must come out. At first your baby will have only one or two wet diapers per
day. After your milk supply increases, baby should have five to seven wet
diapers (six to eight if using cloth diapers) and three to five bowel movements
every day. Some babies may have a small bowel movement with every diaper
The first bowel movements will be dark black, with a tarry
consistency. Both color and consistency will change within a day or two of your
milk supply increasing. The color of a breast milk stool is most often a
mustard-yellow, but it can vary from tan to yellow to yellow-green. The
consistency is loose and seedy and will remain this way as long as your baby is
receiving only human milk. In addition, while nursing, your baby should swallow
after every couple of sucks, so listen for swallowing. Other indicators include
your breasts becoming softer after feedings, your baby's skin feeling smooth
and firm, and baby seeming satisfied after feedings.
However, if your baby shows any of the following signs, contact
your healthcare provider immediately:
- Weak
- Skin
with no resiliency (when pinched it stays pinched looking)
- Dry
mouth and dry eyes
- Less
than the usual amount of tears
- Minimal
urine output (less than two wet diapers in 24 hours)
- Fever
- Fontanel
(soft spot) on the baby's head is sunken or depressed
If you previously had breast surgery, be sure to tell your
healthcare provider. Many mothers have been able to fully breastfeed their
babies after breast surgery. However, it is important that your healthcare
provider be aware of your history and past breast surgery(ies) so that you and
your baby can be monitored closely to make sure your milk production is good
and baby is gaining weight.
Increasing Your Milk Supply
The amount of milk you produce is dependent on how much and how
frequently milk is removed from your breasts. As baby's demand increases, your
body will increase its supply, but you might find the following suggestions
helpful if you are concerned about your milk supply:
- Nurse
baby at both breasts at every nursing session.
- Nurse
baby twice at each breast at each nursing session.
- Use
the lying down hold occasionally so you rest while baby nurses.
- Nurse
at baby's earliest cues.
- Drink
plenty of fluids (based on your individual needs).
- Use
a breast pump between feedings.
- Refer
to a certified lactation consultant for a complete breastfeeding
Baby Constantly Awakens at Night
There are many reasons a baby wakes at night. You may have a
newborn who is a light sleeper and is easily awakened. Plus, human milk digests
twice as fast as formula, so breastfed babies get hungry more often than
bottle-fed babies.
Baby Is Always Sleepy
Some medications used during labor and delivery may cause baby
to become extremely sleepy. If baby sleeps constantly in the first week, it's
important to wake him to nurse so your milk supply will become established and
baby grows and gains weight normally. Try nursing frequently at night when it
is quieter. Contact another mother or breastfeeding counselor for tips on
waking a sleeping baby.
Breastfeeding and Mother's Medications
Most antibiotics and pain medications are compatible with
breastfeeding. However, you should always discuss any medications with your
healthcare provider or pharmacist.
The possible risks of a medication, whether a doctor's
prescription or bought over the counter, should be weighed against the risks of
weaning and providing artificial milk.
When to Ask for Breastfeeding Help
Seek help when:
- Your
newborn has fewer than five to seven really wet diapers, or three to five
bowel movements each day, even after your milk supply increases in the
first week.
- Baby's
urine is a dark color or has a strong odor.
- Nipple
or breast soreness becomes worse and persists between feedings.
- Breastfeeding
becomes painful. (A little pain at the beginning is normal, but it should
fade as your baby learns to breastfeed.)
Baby Seems Full of Gas
You may have heard that babies react to foods in their mothers'
diets but this is fairly rare. Infant formula is far more likely to cause some
type of problem rather than a reaction to mother's diet.
Infant massage often helps soothe a baby who appears to have
gas, so you might read books on infant massage to find a technique that your
baby likes. You also might try the colic hold to see if it helps baby become
more comfortable. Drape your baby face down over your forearm with his head at
the crook of your elbow, your hand supporting his midsection, and his legs
dangling down.
Supplements and Artificial Nipples
Supplements of water or artificial milk (formula) in the early
weeks of breastfeeding can contribute to a poor milk supply, prolonged
engorgement, jaundice, or cow's milk allergy or intolerance-problems for both
you and your baby.
Avoid artificial nipples and pacifiers because they can confuse
your baby when he's learning how to breastfeed. A baby uses mouth and tongue
differently when taking a bottle or pacifier versus a human breast. Among other
things, artificial nipples are firmer than your breast, and a baby holds them
in the front of his mouth. If baby does the same thing while breastfeeding, he
may not use enough suction and he won't get as much milk.
Your nipples may become sore in the process. Some very sensitive
babies even refuse to breastfeed after using artificial nipples.
Since there is no way to tell ahead of time whether your baby
will be able to switch back and forth easily, it's best to avoid artificial
nipples until your baby has been nursing well for at least three or four weeks
and the likelihood of confusion is reduced. If you need to feed your baby other
than at the breast, use an alternative to bottles, such as a spoon, eyedropper, or small feeding cup.
Consult a knowledgeable breastfeeding counselor about these options.
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